Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

As many of you know, today is Friday the 13th.
    This day for many is NOT an average day. You have all those superstitions that at any moment something will go wrong even if you drop you books on the way to class. But I say, if you drop your books you drop your books. What would you say if it was Friday the 12th  instead of the 13th and you dropped your books? HM? Would you blame Friday the 13th for tripping on a table and falling on your face? I don't think so.
Today in 7th period we talked about Friday the 13th and how many people around the world are superstitious about it. We had to write a paper telling if we where either "yes" superstitious, or "No."
I put "No" I put this answer down for a reason, I believe that every thing happens for a reason. There will not be this one day that you have to watch out other wise you will get a bunch of bad luck. I feel that weather I fall down or not, it happened because my big clumsy feet got in the way.
Now I am sure this is not true for  a lot of people. they might read this and say, "that is NOT true!" But in the end, do you even know how these superstitions started? Or have you ever walked under a later and had either a normal day as usual or had a supper great day? If so, this follow my point.
but of course I can't point fingers, when I walk under a latter on accident I just remind my self in my head that God makes things happen for a reason. ( This is to reassure my self that no matter what I do to make my  self  think that bad luck came because I walked under a latter, it is not true. It would have happened anyways. )
I remind my self in my head that God is the only one who can predict our feature, so if he want to make bad things happen to you on Friday the would have happened in his plan book. I think this is a good way to look at things so you don't get thrown off track of your every day life. Make sure you aren't getting obsessed about something that isn't real.
You can tell me your thought on what you think is real or not. :)


  1. My friday the 13th was a really fabulous day, and we survived two last year, so I'm casting my vote negatively here. :]

  2. I was born on Friday the 13th . . . I'm not an accident! I love Friday the 13th's! Well said . . . with God nothing is an accident . . . He knows the future. And things so happen for a reason.
