Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hand in hand

Life can be so wonderful, ther are all kinds of things such as Jewlry, and cloths, boyfriends, girlfriends, But do you know what all that really is?
All of it is just a bunch of destractions from you and the Lord. It can be ahrd to be a humman of sin becasue you ahve these destractions with boyfriends and girlfriends, adn cloths, and all this stuff that seems to be SO inportant at them moment when in reality it isn't. It is jsut a temptation, a destraction, a weekness in you, a breaking point betwen you and the Lord.

A Humman of sin is very hard. You can't walk wiht the Lord perfectly as we are as told in the Bible supposed to. We sin. We are sinners. We have DESTRACTIONS. We get lost in darkness because of these destractions, and every time we get destrated, we forget God, get stuck in the dark, and have to go fine him again and start all over. It stink it really does. Being a Christina isn't easy, it is a bumpy road. Not all smoth and hapy all the time like you would expect. It sin't because we are humman of sin who get destrated and taken off task of what really mater in lif...GOD.

How canw e fix this?
1) Sumbmit you life to God
2) What ever is destracting you, get ride of it, whether it is shopping, bad infuence of friends, or food, put it away out of you mind.
3) spend you time worshipping God instead. Let him lead you and guid you and help you threw your troubled time. Let hime hold you hand in hand.

He is all might God so he can help you thre these destraction if you belived, have faith, and never lose hope. It is dificult at first like all new thing you try are, but once you give youself completly up to God, the more you are wiht him the better it will be and the less you will be destracted. The less you are desracted, the happier you will be. And then, the kingdom of God will await you. KIt all matches up wiht the destraction on earth. And youa rn't the only one, so don't feel bad if this applies to you because every christina know...they ahve gone threw this to. :)

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